©2024-2025 A Daniel Galvez Production

©2024-2025 A Daniel Galvez Production
About Me

How's it going? My Name's Daniel G and i've been destroying sketchbooks since the age of five or something. Now it all seems bittersweet. I've got many interests including, drumming, badminton, producing music, "repairing" computers and collecting playing cards. My goal in life is to become something.
©2024-2025 A Daniel Galvez Production
"Time is running out"
"Don't Blink"
"I could float here forever"
"Beautiful Bird"
"A drawing about stress"
"Peel slowly and see, comedian"
"Little Miss Queen of Darkness"
"something? Anything?"
"Big Sky"
"Blowing in the Wind"
"Hot Chocolate"
"Mechanical Toy"
"Will I ever see him again?"
"Sitting in the window"
"I really hate this"
©2024-2025 A Daniel Galvez Production
Updates/ Blog
(2/3) How's it going just a month later... working on story with a style that is completely different from past stories is extremely difficult. The way I arrange and sketch the structure of a comic is very different from others. (It is also probably very inconvenient) But if it works for me then that's all it takes. Right now I'm still working on the new story and it seems to be on it's last stretch of it being finished. That's the thing, It's like I'm excited and I wanna read it but the thing is, I forget I'm working on the dang thing. :( sad... Another reason I did this in the first place is to extend my portfolio. I personally think that I'm not pulling my weight enough. And with other outside factors of life being in the way, I need to push push push. And you should too! (Life lesson from "Dan Dan the ladies man" that's what my middle school coach used to call me)
(1/3) I'm very very very happy with this new layout I've done to the site! Anyways, with this new year, and the recent Christmas special I did, I finally have time to work on a new short story based on a character of mine named Lavender. It was written at a very weird period of time last year, but that moment has passed so hopefully I could channel those feelings and commit to finishing it.
After that, i'll go back to " The Vice and The Virtue". I really do miss it. But until then, i'll keep ya'll updated every other day or something.(Fun Fact: about the "Rockin' Christmas" special I did for The side characters, I actually did the Cover art waayy before I had any idea what I was going to do with the story. I just tried to do a parody of a Hallmark Christmas movie without actually seeing one of them. I just saw videos on youtube of peeps doing their own parody videos on the topic. I also had 12 days to finish it which was very fitting. Either way I enjoyed working on it very much.)
©2024-2025 A Daniel Galvez Production